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3 keys to understanding Search Generative Experience

an image of a Search Generative Experience

SGE introduced in May 2023 by Google, the Search Generative Experience (SGE) offers new potential in terms of web navigation. Based on generative artificial intelligence, this response engine, which initially aimed to thwart the growth of OpenAI, at the same time allowed Google to preserve the monopoly on reliable and serious responses. So what is SGE/Search Generative Experience? How does it work? Here are three keys to understanding Google’s new gem.

1. What is SGE/Search Generative Experience?

 The SGE replaces the Google search engine and its traditional 10 blue links, in favor of an answer-centric approach. It is a conversational interface designed by Google to offer enriched, hyper-personalized and reliable responses to requests formulated by users. Thanks to the response engine, they can save 20% more time, compared to traditional search.

2. What features does the SGE/Search Generative Engine offer?

The SGE introduces new features intended to encourage the “zero click” trend. In doing so, Google urges users to stay on the response engine as long as possible, without having to click on any blue link. Among these features, it is possible to find:

  • The display of a first response sourced and generated by artificial intelligence. Via this functionality, which is also known as featured snippet, Google provides a direct, synthetic response, drawn from several sources. With the SGE, this featured snippet is enriched with a carousel of sources, which allows users to better verify the information.

  • The conversational mode ask a follow up. Thanks to the ask a follow up, users can send additional questions to the response engine, so that the latter refines the response. This mode is based on a contextual approach: previous questions are taken into account by the algorithm to provide a hyper-personalized response to Internet users.


  • Additional functionalities depending on the type of query. The SGE/Search Generative Experience adapts the format and content of the response according to the type of request addressed to it. For example, when the query includes a purchase intention, the engine is able to generate a list of products with information such as the price, customer reviews, or the name of the brand.
an image of a Search Generative Experience
Picture Download From Google

3. How can we best exploit the potential offered by the Search Generative Engine?


The SGE considerably reduces the playing cards. To adapt to it, it is crucial to follow the following best practices:


  • Ensure a qualitative presence across all formats and channels. With SGE, the results can take the form of texts, photos, videos or geographic maps. Be sure to create multi-format and immersive content to maintain your visibility.


  • Don’t neglect natural referencing. The SGE has not made the well-known blue links disappear. The response engine always grants a form of authority to content with good natural referencing. The results are just presented in a more granular way. The lever should therefore not be lost sight of!


  • Make content quality your ally. The Google algorithm puts human-written, reliable, creative, and long-tail content on a pedestal. The more editorial, visual or contextual added value your content provides, the more likely it will appear on the response engine.


  • Contextualize your strategy. Take advantage of competitive intelligence to define the salient areas on which your competitors are failing, and on which you can stand out. For example, you will have every interest in focusing your strategy on visual creation, if your Market is not yet mature at this level.

  • Take a holistic approach. Contrary to popular belief, SGE/Search Generative Experience does not only have an impact on SEO. With an approach preempted by the 0 click trend, it leads to a decrease in traffic on sites. A shift which undeniably encourages advertisers to rethink their acquisition, programmatic and even affiliation strategies. It is therefore essential to capitalize on a 360° and holistic approach to cushion the risks that SGE can bring.

Search Generative Experience 

In summary, the SGE/Search Generative Experience stands out for its ability to maintain the user’s attention on the response engine: the latter being dissuaded from consulting other sites to meet these expectations. It is even more so thanks to an interface that favors multi-formats and hyper-quality content to optimize the user experience. If the interface leads advertisers to rethink their SEO strategy, it also offers numerous potentialities: both creatively, editorially and performance-wise.




Do you want to deploy an SGE strategy, without making any missteps? Seek the expertise of our Top Digital Marketing Companies advisors.



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